Spring 2011 Workshop:

As a professional photographer, I get questions all the time from photo enthusiasts who find themselves struggling to create the images they thought they would be able to get because they bought a better camera. I wish it were as easy as buying a new camera, but it’s not.

There is however, an easy way to start getting better!

If you recently upgraded to / acquired a DSLR camera, you probably know that you’re supposed to be getting better pictures, but somehow the pictures still aren’t quite what you had imagined, this workshop is for you. Do you shoot only on auto because you’re too nervous to change any settings and honestly don’t know what the heck all those buttons do or what those numbers on the screen mean?

Whether you’re a parent trying to get better photos of your children, a travel enthusiast who is frustrated that your pictures totally don’t do justice to the location, or just someone who wants to make the most out of the investment you’ve made into photography gear, come spend a day with us at this fun, interactive, hands-on workshop & photowalk! There will be lots of time to ask questions, socialize, learn, and spend a day taking pictures in beautiful Santa Monica! Did I mention you can also harass me all you want and badger me with questions? Go ahead.

What: Introductory DSLR Workshop & Photowalk
When: March 6, 2011, Sunday. 12.30pm – sunset.
Where: Santa Monica, California

Spots are limited to 10 participants, so grab a friend and sign up today!


Get more information in a PDF here


After you purchase your spot, more information and application form will be sent to you directly. If you have any questions – Feel free to ask!