Day: 441


I know, I know… I have become one of the laziest bloggers on the internet.   A three day Death Valley trip took me two months to blog, and the real reason I am finally getting it up now is because I am about to head off to Yosemite for the weekend and am going to have new material for Monday (which may, or may not, take me until April to publish). 

Anyways I have been the busiest “unemployed (the recession word for freelance)” man ever for the last two months.  Trying to plan Felicia and my wedding (which I am sure I am not doing my share of), trying to accumulate enough money to pay for said wedding, working on pictures from the last 3 years to get them all sorted into some recognizable organization, and a number of other projects (some actually photography related!).   Oh, yeah… I also am getting a short article published in Asian Geographic PASSPORT,  about Tibet next month!


So, yes, I am still alive and come July 4th this year I will be a married man.  We have a lot of “What Ifs?” on our horizon, but it looks like an adventure to me.

More to come (sooner rather than later). 
