Day : 392


After a late breakfast and waiting an extra 45 minutes after our supposed departure time, Felicia and I boarded a river boat and headed downstream on the Beni (pronounced Behney) for the next three hours, checking out all sorts of going ons (aka nothing really other than a really wide river).

The absolute best part of my day was when we arrived at the riverbank to hike the 1.8 kilometers up to the jungle lodge we were staying at.  The boat pulled up to the bank, and with only Felicia and I on the boat I walked up to the front to jump off, I saw a couple guys on the shore  bringing over what looked like a gangplank (to walk down off the boat),  but it was only about two feet to the shore, so I just jumped.  As soon as my first foot left the edge of the boat I had four guys screaming ¨NO!¨ as I cleared the edge of the boat I realized I might have made my first mistake in the jungle

Within moments I found myself thigh deep in river quicksand.   I couldn´t move and Felicia, being to paralyzed by laughter didnt manage to get a picture of me buried in mud, or the proceding process of two guys using all their strength to extract me from the muck.


Anyways, after a moment like that, the rest of the day, fishing for Piranha, watching glorious sunsets or treking through the jungle seems uneventful…
