Day: 393


We walked through the endless jungle looking for animals, assorted plants and sweating the combined equivalent of 3 gallons of water.  It might just have been me but the furry tree anteaters seemed to be cooler than my poor Southern Californian ass…


Anyhow, we did manage to see all sorts of jungle creatures, and even manage to each only get about 30 mosquito bites each throughout the day; that was until we decided to go looking for Caimans on the lake after dark with only the full moon and our flashlights to show the way.


When you shine the your light across the lake you see these evil red eyes everyware, they are Caiman (a sort of croc.), its pretty cool to see, but the major danger was the armies of mosquitos who number in the millions and swarm all over you and your flashlight.  I have never before been unable to breath due to the fear of inhaling hundreds of mozzies. Quite disgusting. 
