Day: 394


To answer your questions (Grandpa), yes we do have repellent.  Actually we have three types, REI Jungle Juice, and aerosol can of OFF, and a 30 DEET Cutter Glue stick type thing.  We also have mosquito coils constantly burning in our lodge and sleep under mosquito nets.  Everytime we go out we apply layers of all three, and it seems to work to some extent, yet for some reason the mosquitos here seem to be dying of hunger and about one percent of the clouds of millions seem to have a DEET immunity and still fly through my array of defenses, leaving Felicia and I with numerous bites.  We have met a few people without repellent, and all I can say is I really don´t envy them and there skin which appears to be covered in some awful disease.

Anyways, today was spent partly on a boat looking for birds (where Felicia had to row, whilst I took pictures) and partly in the jungle looking for monkeys with our guide, Señon.  
