Day: 102+2 (Not a travel day, but too funny not to share with the world)
(Turkey April. 2006, I needed some picture)
So yesterday I was riding a bicycle in the parking lot of REI just minding my own business (test riding a replacement for Moanahh), when some guy in a Tahoe quickly backs out about three feet in front of me and I slam into the side of his car moving at a pretty good clip.
Needless to say I cleared the handlebars of the bike, crushed the lower half of my body against the back of his car/bumper and landed using my shoulders, elbows, knees and right pinky as brakes on the pavement.
Think Waynes World where Waynes ex-girlfriend hits the car while Wayne and Garth play hockey.
When I came to my senses there was a rush of people coming out of Chick-filet to see if I was alright, all gathered around me like squaking hens asking me questions over and over like my adreniline that was throbbing through my veins would let me think anytime soon.
“Are you all right?”
“Should we call 911?”
“You OK?”
“Anything broken?”
“Are you all right?”
All I could say is “Could you guys be quite for one minute? Just give me a second…”
It took me a minute, but my self inventory quickly resulted in nothing seious; a little blood, some scrapes and bruises, and possibly a broken pinky.
“I think I’m ok…”
“Are you sure? We could take you to the hospital.”
“Hell no.” I replied. “I don’t have insurance, and I dont want that hassle.”
I staggered to my feet head spinning and laughed a little laugh, which I think stunned those around me. I had just spent the better part of the last 3 weeks riding a Bicycle 500 miles to San Francisco with no problems, through winding mountian roads and windy windswept beaches up PCH with cars wizzing by and now I get hit. In front of a Chickfilet, ten minutes from home…
The Chick-filet manager helped bandage me up and I took the driver of the Tahoe into REI to help explain the situation of their brand new bikes front end looking like it had just been run over. The front rim and the forks were all out of wack. They took it into their bike shop and took a look at it , came out and told the driver and I not to worry they could fix it. I’m starting to love REI. The absolute best part was the salesman who wanted me to try out a few more bikes. I thought about it, but instead told him: “I don’t really think it’s my day to buy a bike.”
The world sure has an odd sense of humor.
The adreniline kept me giggling all the way back home, I couldn’t believe a car had just hit me. I think Moanahh must have laid some bad mojo on me.
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OMG!!! I’m glad you’re not hurt but the story is pretty funny. Everyone around you was probably thinking “oooohhhh i’d sue.” A shame isn’t it? You ride a girl named Moanahh that far and then kick her to the curb……of course she’s gonna throw the bad mojo on you. Shoot she probably has a little wax redheaded doll of you!! LOL You gonna keep the name or do we have to think of another one?
As John Lennon said: “Instant ‘Car’ma’s gonna get you”.
Or maybe it’s not Moanahh, maybe it’s something telling you that you’re not suppose to be home right now
Be safe man,