Day: 102

Day 102 - 3.JPG

We Packed our bags and left them with the bellboy, having about three hours before we needed to get on the BART to head to the San Francisco airport we decided to make our way towards the Wharf on foot. We made it to Northbeach when we started to notice the massive 10 block streetfair complete with beer gardens on every block. Sarah and I immediately realized we’ll never make it to the Wharf this morning.

On top of the “Northbeach Streetfair” the world cup match of Italy vs. USA was about to start! Northbeach being a heavily Italian area, the crowds seemed divided over who should win. The streets were throbbing with this energy. We quickly found our first beer in the beer garden just after ten thirty, starting to be a little bummed we only had a few more hours here, but ready to make the most of it. A few beers later we got out of the sun and into one of the bars that was literally overflowing into the streets, and the game hadn’t even started!

Beer, Beer, Jager shot, Beer, Lunch. Oh shit! Ten more minutes and we have to get a cab back to the hotel to grab the bags and jump on the BART.

On the train to the airport I start to do that thing were you start to fall asleep but at the last second you jerk your head back real quickly and look like an ass. Over and over.

We made it to the airport, found our plane was going to be a little late, and sobered up in the waiting area.

Thus ends another leg of The World Tour. My next adventure is me, and a carload of three friends, chasing after the classic American roadtrip from one coast to the other. I leave on July 5th, so no real post between now and then, but in the next few days I will be putting up a page with some of my favorite pictures that you can buy prints of to help support my wanderings. Hopefully I can fund a few more days this way. Check back soon!

Oh, and to you Riverside(rs?) and Corona(ns?); If anyone wants to hang out in the next couple of weeks, send me an email ( I don’t really have any grand plans (except sitting by my mom’s pool) for the next couple of weeks.