Day: 76

Day 76 -7.JPG

This little stop home could have been of the best World Tour choices I could have made. It’s helping me get my bearings and start to once again see the unique and different things I was seeing everyday in the last 75 days of travel. I am starting to feel re-energized and am ready to get back out on the road soon with a fresh outlook on the world.

I spent most of the day (after a 35 mile ride) hanging out with my brother, Joanna, and Cathie having some drinks, posing for pictures on the beach, and going to the second worst movie ever, Poseiden (The credit for worst movie ever still has to be Solaris).

Aarons review of the movie (as the credits rolled);

“I just wasted two hours of my life”

Don’t waste two hours of your life there’s too much to see, It’s my advice of the day.