Day: 75

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Today is the first day since I bought my bike that I didn’t set out for a heavy ride to help get into shape. Instead I went to the grocery store with Aaron with a list of stuff that we needed for our family holiday gathering at the beach. Everyone (aunts, uncles, cousins, and Grandpa) was coming out to the beach to spend a day gathered with the family. I spent most of the afternoon talking about my trip to everyone and showing Grandpa a bunch of pictures from my trip so far.

We had a great feast of scallops, seared ahi, chicken and assorted salads, and followed that up with a quest to the pier to get shakes and malts at Ruby’s.

After dinner, shakes and the families departure, Aaron and I went to our room to have a smoke and listen to music for the rest of the night. After a few hours of hours of him sketching and me laying on the ground we turned off the lights and went to bed.

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