January 17th, 2017:
Above: Daw Win Tin checks an 18 years old mother-to-be who is 6-7 months pregnant and this was the first time she had any sort of pregnancy check up.
The third project that I documented around Inle Lake is the Global Community Service Foundation’s Women Outreach Program. Here’s a little synopsis of their work from Kaythi’s 2016 year end letter:
“The program has three midwives and one boat driver. Currently they go to the villages every Wednesday to Sunday. This year seems less of a challenge with the mothers as they understand more and listen to the midwives. Once they get referred to the hospital by a midwife, most of the mothers listen and go to the hospital. This year so far the midwives have taken care of 200 pregnant women, 243 children, 435 mothers and necessary care for old people.”
The goal of the program is to attempt to bring some maternity, prenatal and child health care to the 42 underserved villages that surround Inle Lake. In addition the Women Outreach Program also provides feminine hygiene training, prenatal vitamins and supplements, pregnancy tests, baby position checks, child weight/check up, and informational materials.
Midwives Daw Ohn Tin and Daw Kyi Kyi Hnaung check a local child’s weight.
Daw Kyi Kyi Hnaung helps create a written record of maternity care for a 28 year old woman who is pregnant with her first child. (in blue in the background)
Local from Hsee Hsone Village await the various forms of care offered.
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