Day: 205

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So I know you all might get bored with party pictures, but unfortunately that may be all I produce in the next few weeks in Mexico.  Cancun is like Vegas, without the gambling and far more booze.

I spent most of my day baking on the beach, trying to combat the sun and still be witty and charming so I can write about it for American Eagle’s website. Actually, I did manage to make it through the better part of the day without booze. But it wasn’t long before I was introduced to everyone and invited VIP style to Dady-O’sGoose flowed.

The night screamed by, with me not doing to bad, and before I knew it it was like 4:30am and I realized I should get some sleep, because I have to do it all over tomorrow.  Oh yeah, I saw Steve-O from Jackass too, he decided it would be a good idea to papercut his mouth open on stage and pour salt and tequila all over the cuts. Painful.

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