February 24th, 2017:

Ko Kala, A local man who raises cocks for fighting. Yangon, No. 1 Ward, Myanmar.
After being home for a couple weeks, it dawned on me that I never shared any of my images from Yangon on the blog, although you my have seen most of these on Instagram. Anyhow, for posterity sake, I present a few of my favorites from my first and last couple days around Yangon, Myanmar.
Lately I have been busy starting the wedding season in Los Angeles and prepping for another trip to Asia. This time I’ll be off to Vietnam for 3 weeks to work with the Global Community Service Foundation again and document the work they are doing around Dong Ha. I also have a couple weeks in the country once I wrap up the work part of the trip, so I’m just going to have to see where it takes me.
More to come, very soon…
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