May 30th, 2012:

A couple months back, when Felicia asked what I would like to do for my birthday, I quickly rattled off that I’d like to eat a burrito.  Now, if you know me personally, you’ll know this is no jest: the burrito could easily be the world’s most perfect food, and Felicia took my idea to heart and ran with it, creating an entire Fiesta Party centered around me eating burritos and drinking Margaritas.

Lily decided to grace our event. It’s hard to believe it’s been 6 months since Felicia and I photographed her being born. I guess that’s what babies do: they grow.

Felicia prepared a booze-filled piñata, and with thoughtful bubble-wrapping, only 1 bottle of Jack Daniel’s actually cracked. The grown-ups enjoyed the mini bottles while my sister (pictured above sending a bottle of bubble-wrapped booze flying out the piñata) attempted to stop her children from taking all of the candy.

I had a wonderful Memorial Day birthday surrounded by burritos, nachos, tacos, and carnitas. Oh, and the friends & family that came out to celebrate me, that was pretty sweet too. Happy Birthday to me!