January 17th, 2011:
Image above: Food from our kitchen artfully arranged by my wife.
From left: Red/brown rice, Goji berries – used in Asian soups, whole wheat pasta, green mung beans. Yum!
Holy Crap! 2011 is not only here, we are already 2 weeks into January!
Over the past year I have started to notice something growing around my midsection…. swelling, jiggling and folding – pushing it’s way over my waistline. It never used to be there, but then, I never used to be married. I guess there is some truth behind that first year 15lbs that they talk about. I am happy, in love, content, and my waistline is starting to show it.
So with the end of the holiday cheese eating season (yes, I love my cheese), Felicia and I have decided to take control of this growing situation before it gets out of hand. For my own part, being fit is very important just to be able to go hiking, cycling, traveling and to keep up with a couple on their wedding day. Wedding Photography may not seem like the most laborious of careers, but I can spend a whole day on my feet running, squatting, climbing, and smiling, all whilst carrying a 5lb weight in my right hand and another 15lbs strapped to my back. I absolutely love my job, but after a 12 hour day I come home with cramped muscles and stiff joints (Now I sound like an old man…)
Anyhow – we have decided to just eat better. I have not put myself on a diet, or some strict exercise routine, I just want to stay active and eat better. This might include things like, but not limited too:
- Not finishing Felicia’s leftovers after I have eaten my entire meal. (Probably responsible for 90% of my weight gain)
- Avoiding buying snacks, treats, etc. (if they are not in the house, I won’t eat them)
- Going with things like whole grain pasta and brown rice.
- Etc, etc, etc… I am sure I could keep this list going all day, but you get the idea – Think before I eat.
Another 2011 first – the year that I became “That Neighbor.” I left my Christmas lights and tree up until the 8th or 9th of January, until shame finally forced me to take down the lights and drag a very dry Douglas out to the curb last week. Yes, I am a bad person.
More to come.
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Man, it always sneaks up on me too when I am home.
We just need to spend a couple of months in Southeast Asia to reset it again. Somehow I eat 3x as much good food and still loose weight there.
That’s true Greg. I was just looking at some pictures of me right after I spent 3 months in South America and I was scrawny.
Us Americans eat too well.
Staying active and eating better (more fresh stuff, less processed food) are all you need to lose the jiggles
Oh, and red wine to detox wouldn’t hurt either!