Oct 4th, 2010:
Getting older sucks.
I have never been bothered by the number (currently 31), but it the last few weeks I have accumulated a few minor ailments, which combined have left me miserable. It started when I pulled a muscle on the back of my right leg at the gym about 6 weeks ago. Then while sitting by the campfire in Sequoia, somehow the smoke/embers scratched my eye leaving it red, inflamed and unable to wear my contact lenses for extended periods of time (I hate glasses.). Now in the last couple of days my teeth have started aching (I suspect it’s too much whitening tooth paste). Sigh…
My medicine cabinet is currently stuffed with Ben Gay, Orajel, and no fewer that half a dozen varieties of eyedrops for soothing irritation.
Last night Felicia and I met Ed (best friend/bestman at my wedding), who is a few years older than me, and he just laughed and remarked that it “Sucks getting older”.
Then this morning I was thinking about what to blog, and I came across this picture of Grandpa (Robert Carl Paetz I) and I started thinking about him. He is 92 1/2 (only children and people in their 90’s count by halfs), had a stroke about 2 years ago, bleeds randomly where his skin is too thin, and is blind in one eye. His major complaint about getting older? His friends have all died.
Wow. On that note, I guess I will stop complaining now.
Robert Carl Paetz I, Robert Carl Paetz II, Robert Carl Paetz III
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Thank you for putting things in perspective Robert.
LOL! Grandpa Paetz ROCKS! Rob and Bob-Dad, you both better make it to 100 too!
thanks for sharing this post about your grandpa.
love the pic