

At the end of last week the family doctor was removing a suspect skin cancer  mole from my mothers stomach, and when the lab results came back we found it was malignant (meaning the bad cancer).   A surgery was set up for yesterday afternoon to try to get the rest of it out. We hope they succeeded, but there will not know for sure for 3 to 5 years if she is actually in the clear.  During that time she is going to have to make regular doctors visits and lab tests and watch for any signs of abnormality in her body.

As a result it has gotten me thinking even more than I already do about sun protection.  My father also already has basal cell cancer growths on his forhead and the back of his hands that have to be removed every six months and my sister has already had to have a few things removed from her body.  They all have spent more time in the sun then I normally do, but my genes are doing me no favors when it comes to the likelihood that I too will be dealling with something similar in the future.

It scares me slightly, but hopefully I have been scared early enough that I can protect myself as best I can.  Felicia has already suggested buying stock in Coppertone to aid her efforts in keeping me healthly.  She already carries a small bottle of sunblock in her purse with us all the time to protect me, what a good future-wife.