

A lot of great photographers have advised that you should be able to make great photographs where ever you are, even if it is only 50′ from where you sleep, a lot of other photographers have advised that if you want to take better photographs, “Put yourself in fronot of more interesting things.  Since at the current time I am not in front of “more interesting things” I decided to follow the first piece of advice and shoot to make pictures I like at home. This is hard, because you look at your house everyday and nothing seems all that new or interesting, it is a real struggle to find something that pops out at you, but it is good for the creativity.

This picture was made at about 10am while I waited for the UPS man to deliver a package for my step-father. I was feeling kind of bored and decided not to let my morning go to waste, so I grabbed my camera, flash and a flash cable and layed down in the grass in the backyard and tried to make a “dreamy” image.