March 6, 2009:


So in an effort to not let my photography and blogging skills get rusty in all this time I have been spending at home, and because with the new Aperture software I have my workflow is really streamlined, I am going to be attempting to post at least a new picture everyday on here for the next little while (that is until I get lazy again and proceed to forget all about you guys out there again).

I currently have in my possession a Canon 85mm F/1.2 L II (Its for sale if you are interested!) right now, so that’s what I was using for todays pictures. It gives an amazing amount of depth of field at f/1.2, but I find it quite the pain to lug around everywhere,  it’s at least twice the size of my 35mm F/1.4.  I think if I ever decided to add this to my collection it would be reserved for weddings and portraits and such. Much to big to bring traveling without being stared at by everyone and gaining a hernia in the process.
