Day: 436
Our Lao bus driver kicks ass! He got us through our night on the bus and even shaved 3 hours off our expected time. We made it to the shores of the Mekong by 7am and had some breakfast while waiting for the border to open.
I had teamed up with Chris, a Canadian film guy, and Marisa, an Irish girl on a year long round the world, to try to get ourselves to Chiang Mai with some sort of speed today.
Unfortunately it didn’t work out that well, it was supposed to be only 5hours from the border, but the frustrating day was spent trying get on bus after full bus which never could quite get ups there. We ended up spending 5 hours in Chiang Rai waiting, and when we did finally make Chiang Mai it was past 9 in the evening.
When I finally found a place with a bed it was a shithole, but I was exhausted and dirty from 30hours of travel, so i showered and dropped in the rockhard bed, deciding then to change hostels in the morning.
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