Day: 410


So, last night after we got into Cusco after the horrendiously long bus ride we decided the city felt like everyone was just trying to get your money, although it definately is the cleanest and well kept city I have been to in South America . It is after all, the most popular tourist location on this continent, with Macchu Piccu right at its doorstep.

We slept the night away and when we awoke, we found Ed had arrived a little before and was sleeping in another room upstairs where we were changing to tonight. We headed up, knocked and found him answering the door looking like shit, essentially what redeye flights do to you. We all ate breakfast together and while he went back to sleep for a while, Felicia and I hunted down some internet time and an ATM.

After a few hours we headed back to the room to find him refreshed and ready to go exploring (for food), and spent a large portion of the afternoon in a cafe drinking tea and catching up. Eventually we managed to get out acts together and wander about town for a while during the sunset.

The night was capped by another number of hours sitting in a little cafe, drinking beers and being fabulous carnivores eating the local delicacy of Cuy (aka Guinea Pig), which pretty much tasted like you imagine rat would.
