Day: 365


Getting off the bus in Lima at 10am this morning we realized we hadn´t slept in a bed in two nights and Felicia´s spine seemed misaligned and was giving her a slight pain. We found a cab into Miraflores (the wealthier beach district in Lima) and found our hostel rather easy. Unfortunately our room wouldn´t be availible until 1pm and we just dropped our bags on the ground and dropped ourselves on the patio to relax. After a while we wandered around for some lunch then came back for what amounted to an afternoon of recovery from the last two nights.

Our goals in Lima are essentially to recover enough to move on to the next place, I am not overly thrilled with South American cities as a whole and this one isn’t really and exception, but the idea of climbing on another 20 hour bus ride sent shivers down our spines. Besides, in two months our flight leaves out of Lima, so we know we´ll be back through here soon enough.
