Mid September: 2007
So the canceled work has been replaced with 4 days of video camera operating (i.e. most money in the least amount of time) next week. It makes me far less worried about the budget, but I still have most of this week off and I have already repaired my sisters roof and built her shelves in the garage. I spent most of the afternoon building lightboxes for my flashes out of foam core, lighting gel and gaff tape; the last two of which were left over from the production last week, possibly making these one of the worlds cheapest lighting instruments.
Oh, and in the past few weeks I have accomplished one more of those “Must Do in my Lifetime” list items. I learned to ride a motorcycle and now am licensed in the state of California. Yaay Me.
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ooh sarah finally has shelves.
i see someone has had a productive day!
Wow, great image! I was trying to touch the green apple on my screen…
HAHAHAHAHA!! great image Rob! and those lightboxes look just fine!!
hmm… Jack o apple?
Haha, I had a chuckle when I saw this image pop up on flickr. Seriously looks like the apple is coming out of the screen with the shallow DOF and selective color.
BTW, nice DIY softboxes. Are you moving towards using some off camera lighting? I’m a die hard Strobist when I use flash.