Day: 305 1/8

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So the eye infection of Argentina and China has made another return trip to my optical orbs. Getting sick of this, I gave up my hope of it curing on its own with a little time and brought my uninsured ass to the optometrist. Of course costing me way too much.

$60 for Eye Doctor consultation
$65 for 3ml of drops
$5 for 2 gallons of gas to and from the Doc’s and Pharmacy

One drop in each eye/ 3 times a day for seven days

$3.09 a Drop!

In other, better news, I got some exciting new books which will hopefully be used in the next couple of months (although New Zealand looks slightly further away). I have been enjoying lot of time off (not by choice), editing pictures and taking more time in the insane 110 degree heat wave we’ve had for the last week.

The best news in a couple of months is that this blog is finally caught up and back up to todays date! Now we can all look forward to Oktoberfest, Although I just heard a rumor from my brother, Aaron, that he can no longer go for all three weeks because his new cartoon he is about to start working on is only going to give him seven days off. Bummer.

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