Day: 285
I am at home now after the last seven weeks wandering about China, Tibet and Mongolia. I was less than impressed with the northern region of China, but as a gateway to the amazing places in Tibet and Mongolia it was a necessary evil.
Here are some of my favorites from the last 7 weeks. Look forward to the next adventure on the John Muir Trail here in California! 225 miles of backpacking through the Sierra Nevadas! Good times and sore feet expected…
I won’t go into vivid details, but leaving her was harder than I ever expected. One of the most astounding people I have ever met. As much as I was ready to be home, I am here now and alone…
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…So I come back to saying this good-by,
A sort of ceremony of my own,
This stepping backward for another glance.
Perhaps you’ll say we need no ceremony,
Because we know each other, crack and flaw,
Like two irregular stones that fit together.
Yet still good-by, because we live by inches
And only sometimes see the full dimension.
Your stature’s one I want to memorize–
Your whole level of being, to impose
On any other comers, man or woman.
I’d ask them that they carry what they are
With your particular bearing, as you wear
The flaws that make you both yourself and human.” – “Stepping Backward” by Adrienne Rich
Had to step backward to say “Bon Voyage”, but I’m looking forward to fulfilling your “See ya later”.
So glad to have you home again Rob. It is always good to sit and chat. Thanks for sharing your journey with me. I’m glad you found a friend in Felicia and I hope to meet you someday day young lady. You made quite the impression on my son just by being nothing else then that which who you are.
Looking forward to the stories of a long foot travel through California, and good luck to you and your traveling companions, your Mom and Mike.
I hope to meet you too, and thanks for your fantastic contribution to the world
He sure makes a difference in my life.
“The Magic and Tragedy of Home” — my God, Rob, do I know that mixed bag of emotion well. I feel it every time I return from a journey as profound as the one you just completed. I wish you a speedy “recovery” (or maybe we actually long to never recover?) and I send a big thank you for bringing us all along on your journey. I’m looking forward to the next one. Cheers.