Day: 237


“Mr. Lobert Paetz please make known yourself at the gate.”

Funny pronunciation of my name aside, I had been slightly worried about making my next flight in Tokyo, we were running late and my connection time was slight, but obviously I had doubted the services of this Japanese airline. I don’t know why I would, after a 12 hour flight with constant attention from the flight attendants, free beer, hot towels, sushi dinners, little cups of Haagen Daaz and did I say free beers? This is the airline service that my departed Grandmother always told me about in her fairytales during my childhood.

This day actually consisted of two separate days (May 2nd and May 3rd) because of crossing the international dateline, but I lived them as one extremely long one and reading about me sitting on a plane all day is as exhausting for you, as it is for me to write.

Ill just keep this short and say I made it safely into Beijing, and after having the taxi circle the block three times asking around he finally found the little ally where my hostel was. I got a bed and the jet lag set in.

China is already an assault on my senses.