Day: 228
I may have woke up hungover, but Brian woke up still shitfaced. By the time we were able to motivate ourselves to actually do something it was past 10am, and the only thing we did was go find some breakfast. Brian held it down for about an hour, but just a few miles outside of town I heard “Hey, Rob? Can you pull over?”
And that was the story that was his breakfast.
At least we were able to start another story, One for today. We made our way back up north to stop at the Cockscomb Basin wildlife reserve for some hiking to one of the higher overlooks in the country, and some wicked off-roading to get there. It was harsh midday light and hazy skies, I really didn’t get any pictures I was in love with of the view, but the 4 mile hike up was great training for the JMT this summer.
I also didn’t get to see a jaguar. With 50 of them in this area I thought I might get lucky.
As the afternoon wound down I sold Ed and Brian on heading to a jungle Lodge that I had been to 4 years ago with Alissa. Nothing like rooms lit by oil lamps, outdoor showers with thatched walls and buckets with holes in them for showerheads, and a room without walls (just screens).
As I write this by the light of an oil lamp and the glow of my screen, I am smiling contently. These last few days have been treating me well.
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What a tease, that jungle lodge sounds awesome, but no photos. I dig that crashed plane shot though, what a fun prop(no phun intended).
The death sound of the monkeys is must experience. You can not help but stay awake and listen to them howl. You really don’t have much of a choice.
That jungle lodge was amazing I do have to admit. And the only reason why I was still drunk was because someone insisted that I do shots. For the record, my breakfast had two parts to it…remember I asked you to pull over twice?