Day: 190

Day 190-2.JPG
With a considerable amount of willpower I got up and returned the car this morning. On the walk back I finally decided to leave this heaven that is making me lethargic. I swung through the bus station and bought a ticket north to Salta for 8:30 tonight. I made it back to the hostel and commenced drinking a couple glasses of tea; finishing off the morning hours.

I had a few big plans for the afternoon. I got some lunch, wandered the sycamore lined streets (which remind me of childhood and the tree that was in our frontyard), and spent a couple of hourrs on the internet blogging and applying for a job for next month. By the time I made it to the bank and back to the hostel it was only a couple of hours until my bus. I hit up the grocery store, filled my pack with snacks for the bus and bought a beer to sit on the patio and enjoy well I waited to board another 18 hour bus.