Sometime in early December 2006:

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The great man Ferris Bueller once said “Life sure moves fast, if you don’t stop and take a look around once in awhile, it’ll pass you by.” (least I think thats the quote) This last month has been a blur of busy (nice alliteration, huh?).

I have been working almost nonstop for the freelance Technical theater company I left last year. In the last month I’ve done some form of work on American Idol, A touring Disney show “High School Musical”, “Last Laugh” for Comedy Central, and The Nutcracker (It is the Holidays). I’ve also shot a wedding for my friend Jeff, done some family portraits for my ex-co-bartender Sami, been talked into learning to dive and do a documentry about the California coast next spring, and even began writing the first chapter of my book on the John Muir Trail (which I am hiking with my 50 year old mother next summer). Kind of excited about the book idea, two perspectives from two generations, crossing 220 miles of Sierra Nevadan (?) wilderness, throw in some pictures and the lack of alcohol and I my be able to follow through on something.

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Jammed into the month was also three Thanksgiving dinners in a row; Thursday at my Sister’s mother in laws, Friday at Moms, Sat at Dad, I even managed to choke down a killer turkey sandwich on Sunday. I have also been riding my bike, Moanahh II, pretty consistently trying to get back in shape after that summer of debauchery so I’ll be able to hike the Andes next month.

Last night I went to a Christmas party at my old bar and caught up with all the ladies, got a slight buzz, but made it home safe. It was good seeing some people I haven’t seen since my going away party, and it got me motivated when people I didnt even think knew this site was around told me how good some of my pictures are. Probably the reason you get an update this morning.

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Mom has finally come around and doesn’t really think I am running away from life anymore. Which is huge, seeing as it took me an entire year to convince her.

Bad News: My blog Just ran out of upload space today, I wasn’t able to get all the pictures I wanted on this post. I am going to request more server space but if they wont let me have it, I may have to start “Mom Says I’m Running Away, Part Deux”, which is a bummer because I am up to 90,000 hits on this one. That number even amazes me, who is not easily amazed.

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One more bit of news for those of you photo techies like me (namel you, Randy) out there, I sold my 70-200 f/4 which I found pretty useless in all conditions except bright daylight which makes for awful pictures anyhow. It had become a 1.5lbs brick in my bag that was never being used. Instead I upgraded to the much more expensive and much heavier, 3lbs, 70-200 f/2.8 with image stabilization. I have already fallen in love with this piece of glass and can’t wait to travel with it. The stabilization makes it work like a beauty and I can get away with about 4 stops less light than the old lens. The only thing I am dreading is trying to pack it into my bag and figuring out what will have to get left home (probably my underwear).

Anyways, Life is going well, January 2nd and a huge Buenos Aires steak is around the corner, and Ill try to keep everyone updated until then. Be excited with me people!

And I’ll leave you with this picture of “Rob the Lush”, notice the cup labeled “Robbie” that my departed grandmother made me 15 years ago. I think it makes this picture magical.
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