Day: 96

Day 96 - 1.JPG

I decided to chill out a today when I peaked my head out of my little yellow tent and the rain and grey skies. I snuggled back up I my sleeping bag for another couple of hours until I started getting hungry and motivated myself to go find some breakfast. I had seen a sign yesterday that said “Sunday Brunch”, and to me nothing says Sunday like all you can drink Mimosa’s!

Unfortunately upon reaching my desired goal I found out they only do the brunch during tourist season, which to my dismay doesn’t start until next weekend.

Bastards! I’ll have to have a sober morning.

I just found a diner and ate some Eggs Benedict sans Mimosa’s, and spent the rest of the morning wandering up and down the five blocks of mainstreet looking at all the little tourist and antique shops. The day was passing slowly but I spent a good portion of it readingVeronika Decides to Die and blogging, then just walked along the beach to the grocery store to find myself a dinner feast of a roasted chicken (1/2 of which I ziplocked for tomorrow), some cheese, bread, carrots and an orange. I washed it all down with a couple of German Beers.

Moanahh is falling apart to my dismay. She lost a spoke yesterday, the brakes are giving me problems, and the shifting is slipping. When I get to San Francisco I’ll have to take her into REI for a check-up.

I finished my night with the last 40 minutes of my movie from yesterday on my laptop and was asleep before the sun was fully down (around nine), trying to prepare for my ride into San Francisco tomorrow. It looks like I’ll be there for about 5 nights, the first three in a hostel, then my sister is flying up and we have a hotel for the next two.