Day: 64

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This morning, to the sound of the kegs of Guinness being thrown into the pub basements, I awoke feeling like I was starting to come down with a little cold/headache. I had felt it creeping up on me for the last few days and I had been hoping it would just pass. I really don’t want to get any worse, so I decided to take it easy today and not try anything heavy. I started my morning of by writing and downloading pictures followed up by a little time on the internet and an early Irish lunch, that included the normal four types of potato (mashed, roasted, fries, boiled), cabbage and pork. Oh, and I even found the reason Ireland is so badass.

I had seen a movie theatre on the way to my hostel yesterday, so after lunch I headed over to see something. I ended up watching 16 Blocks (in a giant theater), then meandering back to my hostel to take a short nap. I was feeling better when I woke up, so I booked a tour for the next few days around the coast of Ireland and headed out to have a couple of pints and watch some live Irish music. The music and Guinness was great but after a couple of hours I set about trying to get some night shots of the River Liffey, Haypenny Bridge, and the Temple Bar area. I went back to the hostel and called it an early night around 10:30pm, hoping that tommorow I would feel better.

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