Day: 41

Day 41- 6.JPG

6am: I wake up to the church bells and have to piss.

6:05am: I get up walk out the door to my room to the bathroom in the hall wearing only my boxers and the door to my room locks behind me. Damn.

6:06am: I pee

6:07am: I gently knock on the door trying not to wake everyone in the room.

6:15am: No one has heard me so my knocks get slightly more insistent. More church bells.

6:24am: I huddle in the corner near the door just hoping someone else has to piss soon.

6:27am: I am freezing and spend another few minutes knocking loudly. Still no one hears.

6:30am: Bells….argghhh

6:33am: Huddled in the corner once more.

6:37am: I think I hear someone inside moving around so I stand back up and a knock again.

6:39am: Still no one

6:41am: I pee again (nothing better to do)

6:45am: God damn bells won’t stop ringing telling me how much sleep I’m missing. I knock again.

6:52am: Some guy finally comes out to pee. He asks me “Were you locked out?” I nod, and he asks “Why didn’t you knock?” (I only responded with a sigh)

6:54am: Back in my bed where all the sheets have gone cold.

7:00am: More damn bells just as I start to fall back asleep.

7:02am: Finally fall back asleep.

I started my day today around 9 am after a rough twelve hours of sleep (sarcasm), but I felt refreshed and knew I should keep up with the relaxing vibe for a day or two more to get myself back in shape mentally. I took my computer downstairs and spent an hour in the common room writing up the last couple of days of blogs, then decided to head to a little café that I noticed had free WiFi and breakfast. I had Ham and Eggs and Tea, and an hour of free internet all for about $3.25. I was off to a good start for the day.

I had a few of goals for the day; do my laundry, take a walk, go to the movies, and take some cool nighttime pictures of the Bratislava Castle. I started with a walk to see if I could find movie theatres and times. I walked probably 5 miles, found a couple of theatres with movies tonight, and I was getting a little worn out so I headed back to the hostel to try to get my laundry done. This hostel has free laundry, but you have to go to the store and buy your own detergent, the girl at the front desk told me that the machine was free (they only have one that takes 2 hours) so I ran across the street and bought a box of Tide but unfortunately the machine was full already so I had a two hour wait until I could use it. I went to my room and took a shower and ran down the street to have a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. I headed back to see if I could wash my clothes yet and guess what? Yeap, someone took cuts! Well I gave up this goal for the time being and just washed a few things in the sink and hung them out to dry. I am ok with my sink-washed clothes for a few days.

It was only four in the afternoon but I decided to head to the big mall where the theatre was to see if I could find a new book to read because I finally finished Huck Finn. The selection of English books wasn’t great but I found a book of Hemingway’s short stories, which I took to the park outside and read while drinking a canned coffee drink and enjoying the great weather.

At after an hour of reading I headed into the trendy café inside the movie theatre and bought a ticket to Firewall with Harrison Ford (I saved a $1 because of my student card) which started in about 20 minutes.

After the movie I headed back across the Dunabe (the river) and spent ½ an hour getting my shots of the castle at night. Quite proud of myself for accomplishing 3 out of 4 of my goals for the day, I headed back to the hostel to check my email and the stocks I recently purchased (I’ve made like $400 on Google and Fedex in the last 10 days). I headed off to bed hoping to make it up the hill to check out the castle tomorrow.

(Oh and by the way, sorry I let everyone down and didn’t drink today.)