Day 12:
So I woke up and ran right out the door to do a little daytime exploring of this confusing city. I started doing some blogging at a little, yet overpriced, internet café. On my way out of the internet café I realized that yesterday, with all its sun, had been luck, today was dreary, overcast, wet, and cold. I had to back track to my hotel and add my long sleeve shirt and raincoat to my sweater and t-shirt. I felt like I was back in the Alps.
I decided to head right to Piazza San Marco, because it seemed to be the big tourist draw of this small town (Venice only has 272,000 people who live here and it gets more that 15 million tourists each year), and because it was the only sight where numerous signs lead the way. After about 30 minutes of following the little yellow signs I made it to the Piazza where dirty birds attack friendly bird-feeding tourists. After spending a while taking some pictures of bird attacks, kids attacking birds, and other random bird/people battles, I wanted to go check out the rest of Venice.
I tried the route I took the night before to make it in the direction of the train station but after about 45 minutes of walking (when I thought I was in the right area!) I turned a corner and guess what? Piazza San Marco! Damn…. The second attempted escape of the Piazza I thought I’d try to outsmart the city and make a few new turns and I’d be back in the right area in no time. After about another 30 minutes of walking I start to look around and think, this looks familiar, so with hope in my heart I make another left, right into the west side of the Piazza! Double damn….
I won’t bore you with the third, fourth, and fifth tries to get away from the Piazza, but I will let you in on the good news! Somewhere in my Venetian wanderings I found 10 euro lying on the ground in an alley. Two points Rob! After about 4 hours of walking and learning the area quite well (just not well enough to escape) I gave up and found a water taxi/bus to take me to where I belong. I decided I needed a nap, one of these (I’m not sure what it was called but it was chocolaty, nutty, flaky and sugary, mmm…), and a nice night out.
For dinner I found a restaurant that served, guess what? Italian! I had a four course meal that consisted of tortellini with meat sauce, a salad, pork chop, fries, and tiramisu. Of course I chased this all down with a liter of vino della casa, which toward the end of the liter I managed to slop a little all over my placemat. Party-foul. I ended my meal by buying a rose from the roving vendor, to console myself for losing myself to San Marco and spilling wine. So far I think Italy may be getting the best of me, but it sure tastes great!
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I’m probably going to win the award for world’s stupidest question on this one… but… they don’t have Starbucks there? You can’t just sit down and use somebody else’s hot spot? Is it just an American thing?
Some places, but its normally a charge… it doesnt help that I dont speak italian either..
Hey Rob,
Don’t let the city get you down. It will never beat you and the stories you are providing us are great. I look forward to your next adventure! How was the wine? Would your mom and I like it? Does our Italian food here in America come anywhere close to what you tasted? Did you enjoy Piazza San Marco? We did not find Starbucks anywhere outside of London or Geneva (no smaller towns). None in Spain. Sounds llike adventure is going to happen alot on this year-long trip. You will be the Master of travel in a few short weeks! Ten points for Rob and your courage!
Take care and I love the adventuresome stories. Watch out for those people-hating Italian birds.
Im not down Mike, I just am pissed at all these computers that dont seem to work right. Picturesa are uploaded, I may get them posted if I can find a connection to steal as Jo put it.
Im laughing at you cause you didnt believe me…hahaha…the lost feeling is nice there!!!
Josh and I must be better navigators than you cause we only went back to san Marco twice…Oh a little to late but you should have bought a 2 day pass for the water buses. Helps alot. Too late
Escape to Piazza San Marco—
Gettin’ a little shaggy there, eh boy?
I say if your not lost, you ain’t doin’ it right.
Food is nothin’ but fuel for the day. Sure looks good.
Who’s the “Hood-rat”?
Wine, women & song. Are you ever going to leave?
Wine, women & song? I don’t know what illusion of women you are conjuring up from those pictures… but I see a man with a rose, Bob.
P.S. “The Bachelor” called, they want their rose back.
Hey, good news on the RCP3O World Adventure Fund. We are good to go and will be sending you your installment ASAP. Call if you can and I’ll e-mail you the details.
I remember Ali and I made love in Venice during the time “Love Story” was making love to the world…Ali, the most desired woman in the world and me the luckiest SOB…was it the best of times? You bet? Did it last? Hell no. But what does, except these damn fickle flicks…and that’s what Evans wants to be…Enjoy Venice, Keed. Like the beard, pullin’ a Hemingway….I did as the bullfighter in the “The Sun Also Rises”
You are looking interesting! Jo you have such a way of putting things in perspective. Get use to the french fries Rob and get out of that tourist trap as soon as possible. Don’t forget Matt. Hope you get to meet your friend in the mean time. Have a lot of fun and be smart. I love you, Mom.