Day 13:
So today started early and I jumped a train south to Florence, where I heard there was some cool stuff to see. Seeing how I don’t have an Italy guidebook, just a few hostel flyers I picked up in Gryon, I didn’t know exactly what to expect. The only pre-trip reading I did about Italy was for Milan and since plans have change now I find myself wondering Italy without much guidance. Sure is fun and tasty though!
I got to Florence about four in the afternoon, walked to the hostel (or Ostello in Italian) about 200 yards from the train station and dropped my bag. I headed out for some lunch and to find a computer to upload all my blog for yesterday. The first was easy, (I had a ham and mushroom pizza) the second required me to spend most of the afternoon finding a computer that would play nice with my blogging program (I think it was the 3rd one).
Anyhow this felt like an uneventful day, it was even quite cold and windy. For those of you following I think after Rome (this weekend) with Matt I am going to fly to Athens, Greece (the flight is $100, much cheaper than the train/ferry combo) then work my way north through Bulgaria and Romania. That is if I don’t stumble across some hot lady that slows me down.
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Hey guys I finally fixed everything. I hope you guys enjoy.
Hey Robbie… since we are playing the home participation game, I was wondering if I could make a few photographic requests: I am completely enamored with the cathedrals and old churches of Europe. In addition to the size and grandeur, I find all of the story-telling-type engravings on the side of the buildings fascinating… do you think you could snap a few pics of that stuff?
Dang Jo gettin picky!!!! HAHAHA he has nothing better to do so Im sure hell take your pics!
Hey Rob,
Watch out for the hot ladies, don’t get burned. But some like it Hot! Have a good time and say hello to Matt.
I’m leaving for Laughlin for March Madness. back on Sunday, and hope to see some great shots and stories.
Hi Rob, This anti-spam protection addition confused me for a little while. Demonstrate your human-ness, with a secret code. What if you forgot your glasses. Oh well, I guess it’s a good idea. I hate spam. I hope you can figure out a way to send some new pictures tomorrow. We really enjoy looking at them. It is really rather exciting.
Thanks for changing your plans to meet with Matt. He says his professor has a conferance with some bishops in the Vatican with a chance of a meeting with the pope. Now that is a photo I’d like to see. Matt, you & the pope. Polar opposites of all extremes.
Again with the contrast of colors from the bike shot is done well son. Busy, yet definitive.
Photo requests?? Graveyards with lots of headstones. Older the better.
Boy, the way you describe the food everyday, I’m going to join you just for the good eats.
Stumble if you must, use a hotpad. Just don’t have any brokeback moments in Hungary.
Dad your pretty funny!!