Day -26:

I had an interesting dream last night, it was one of those dreams that was so vivid that you swear it’s real, then you wake up and realize things are not how you thought they were. In my dream I won 10 million dollars on a lotto scratcher and was exuberant. Then I started planning on what to do with the money, The dream Rob decided that the most important thing to him was to take his trip around the world, so he invested the money and got packed. Then I woke up, needless to say I was disappointed that I didn’t have 10 million dollars. Then I realized that in 26 days I still get to take a trip around the world just like millionaire Rob. I smiled to myself, knowing that I am about to embark on a trip that even most millionaires will never take, then I rolled over to sleep a little more and hoped for more good dreams.

My visit to the doctor today left me with a numb arm a (my last shot, Hep A) and a bounce in my step. Dr Rupp, my physician for the last 15 years, let me know that I have low blood pressure, low cholesterol, no HIV, and am all in all “..a extremely healthly young man, you could travel the world for the next 10 years and be fine”. It goes without saying for those of you that know me that she obviously didn’t look at my liver, because I am sure that is a little F’d, or she would have told me to cut back on the sauce. Oh well, Life is meant to be lived and cocktails are made to be drank…