November 16th, 2017:
Back in August I spent a few days photographing for the NGO, the Cambodia Community Dream Organization in and around Siem Reap Cambodia. The CCDO runs a community breakfast program that feeds more than 1000 children a day, they support schools and children hygiene programs and help create new wells and latrines in the community. All these efforts create a stronger healthier next generation in Cambodia.

Ta Prok Village, Leang Dai Commune. Cambodia.

The Cambodian Community Dream Organization student breakfast program feeds 1000 students daily. The World Food Programme says almost 40 percent of Cambodian children under 5 are chronically malnourished and over 28 percent are underweight.
Ampel Commune, Siem Reap; Cambodia

Students are required to clean their own dishes as well as wash their hands before and after meals.

A student at the Kirimeanun Primary School.
Ampel Commune, Siem Reap; Cambodia

Samret Daramy, 18, and one of her children. Her well is being repaired by the Cambodian Community Dream Organization.
Siem Reap, Cambodia.

The Cambodian Community Dream Organization has a hygiene program that teaches children about proper hygiene habits.
Ampel Commune, Siem Reap; Cambodia

The Cambodian Community Dream Organization provides education support, english classes, preschools, libraries, and a computer lab to students at the schools they work with.
Ampel Commune, Siem Reap; Cambodia

Students at the Kirimeanun Primary School.
Ampel Commune, Siem Reap; Cambodia

English class provided by The Cambodian Community Dream Organization at the Kirimeanun Primary School.
Ampel Commune, Siem Reap; Cambodia

Ta Prok Village, Leang Dai Commune. Cambodia.
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